Off to a running start.
The products really opened up the possibilities for me. Then the Apple Store did.
Question: You appeared in an Apple Watch video, even before you worked at Apple? Answer: That’s right. I’m just one of several in the video. They were telling customer stories and included me because I use my watch to train and run 5Ks and half-marathons. My social apps really blew up with congratulations when everyone saw it.
Question: How did you start working at the Apple Store? Answer: A running partner who worked there referred me. The store had always felt good to me as a customer — I wasn’t treated as someone who’s blind. Question: What do you mean? Answer: They welcomed me and answered questions, but nobody was trying to escort me around and tell me to watch out for this or that. Question: Had you considered working there before? Answer: Not at all. I didn’t realize I could. Now that I’m here, I help all customers with all products, though I’m especially familiar with fitness apps and accessibility features.

My colleagues come to me for my expertise and I go to them for theirs. We all depend on each other.

Question: What attracted you as a customer? Answer: I think the same things everyone likes about the products — so simple to use, fun, and for me, very empowering. For the latest Global Accessibility Awareness Day, our Apple T-shirts said, “Designed for Everyone,” and it reminded me of when I first heard that years ago, before I owned an Apple product. My reaction was “That’s impossible!” Question: What changed your mind? Answer: Everyone, including me, uses Siri, listens to music and audiobooks, and with VoiceOver, I can read my screens and navigate through my devices. Question: Looks like you also navigate with help from a furry, four-legged device. Answer: Yes, my guide dog, Bell, comes to work with me — he’s even got his very own Apple employee ID badge.

Question: You’ve made contributions beyond the store, too. Answer: Yes, I’ve participated in a number of accessibility events with Apple, both internal and public, as a guest speaker or part of roundtable discussions. Question: What’s your role there? Answer: It’s about building awareness, describing roles at the store, and why accessibility issues shouldn’t hold you back.
Representing Apple at events has been a whole new kind of experience for me.