
Explore tools designed to enhance the sounds you hear or help you stay connected without hearing a sound.
Explore tools designed to enhance the sounds you hear or help you stay connected without hearing a sound.
Available on:
iPhone, iPad, Mac, AirPods Pro 2
AirPods Pro 2 now provide active Loud Sound Reduction to help minimize your exposure to noise, and they include a range of features that support and enhance your hearing in a variety of environments, settings, and situations.
Set up Hearing Health on:
Available on:
iPhone, iPad, Mac
Apple has worked with top manufacturers to create hearing aids, cochlear implants, and sound processors designed specifically for Apple devices.1 These advanced hearing devices provide outstanding sound quality, offer many helpful features, and are as easy to set up and use as any other Bluetooth device. Instantly apply your audiologist’s environmental presets as you go outdoors or enter noisy locations, like restaurants, without having to rely on additional remotes.
Available on:
Music Haptics syncs the iPhone Taptic Engine — which creates your device’s vibrations — with the rhythm of songs so you can enjoy music with taps, textures, and refined haptics.2 Music Haptics works with millions of songs across the Apple Music catalog.
Set up Music Haptics on:
Available on:
iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch, Apple TV, AirPods Max, AirPods Pro, AirPods, EarPods, Powerbeats, Powerbeats Pro, Beats Solo Pro
Whether you’re listening to music, watching a movie, or talking to a loved one, Headphone Accommodations lets you customize your audio to best suit your hearing needs. Amplify soft sounds and adjust certain frequencies based on your preferences. You can also go through a series of listening tests that help you set up as many as nine unique profiles.
Set up Headphone Accommodations on:
Stereo recordings usually have distinct left- and right-channel audio tracks. Mono Audio can help streamline the differences by playing both audio channels in both ears. You can adjust the balance for greater volume in either ear, so you won’t miss a single note of a concerto or a beat of your favorite song.
Set up Mono Audio on:
Available on:
iPhone, iPad, CarPlay
Sound Recognition listens for certain sounds and uses on‑device intelligence to notify you when they are detected. This feature recognizes 15 different sounds — or you can train your device to listen for electronic sounds that are unique to your environment, like the beeping of appliances in your kitchen, specific types of alarms, or doorbells. And now Sound Recognition supports CarPlay, too. Your iPhone will listen for and detect sirens and horns. You’ll receive a notification — onscreen in your car if you’re using CarPlay — when a particular sound is detected.3
Support for CarPlay. Sound Recognition is now compatible with CarPlay. It can recognize sirens and horns and alert the driver onscreen when these sounds are detected.
Available on:
iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV
With high-quality video and a fast frame rate, FaceTime is a great way to communicate using sign language on iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. It can detect when you are using sign language in Group FaceTime calls and automatically make you prominent.
Available on:
iPhone, iPad, AirPods Max, AirPods Pro, AirPods, Powerbeats Pro, Beats Fit Pro, Made for iPhone hearing devices
Live Listen is an assistive listening feature that helps you have conversations in loud places. Just turn on the feature and move your device toward the people you’re talking with. Audio is picked up by the device’s microphone and sent to your wireless headphones or Made for iPhone hearing devices, so you can hear what they’re saying more clearly.4
Set up Live Listen on:
Available on:
iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch
Your device lets you know when something’s up, in a way you’ll notice. Choose visual or vibrating alerts for incoming Phone and FaceTime calls, new text messages, new and sent mail, and calendar events. You can set an LED light flash for incoming calls or have your iPhone display a photo of the caller. If you’re on your Mac, have it flash its screen when an app needs your attention. Or if you’re on the go, turn on the Taptic Engine on your Apple Watch to give you a gentle tap every time a notification comes in.
Set up Sensory Alerts on:
Available on:
iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple TV
Closed captions are a text transcription displayed onscreen in sync with a video’s dialogue and action. In addition to transcribing speech in a scene, they also capture nonverbal communication, music, and sound effects. Supported in apps like the Apple TV app, closed captions are available in more than 40 languages for movies, TV shows, videos, and podcasts — just look for the CC icon. Customize captions with different styles and fonts, including styles that are larger and outlined for better legibility.
Available on:
iPhone, iPad, Mac
Available on:
Apple Watch
The Noise app tracks decibel levels of the ambient sounds around you, helping you identify when sound levels in your environment, or from your headphones, could negatively affect your hearing. When you configure the Noise app on Apple Watch and connect compatible headphones, Control Center shows you if the sounds playing through the headphones reach unsafe levels.6 And all your information is stored securely in the Health app on iPhone for easy access to your data whenever you need it.
Set up the Noise app on:
Learn tips, tricks, and how-tos for hearing features from Apple Support on YouTube.
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