Empower your campus with Apple technology.

Whether you lead a university, college of education, polytechnic, wānanga or private institution, we’re here to support your strategic initiatives with cutting-edge products and services that support a holistic approach to student success.

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Support and Services

Resources to help you succeed.

We offer a number of services to help ensure a successful implementation with Apple products for your students, faculty members and staff — including financing options, technical planning, professional learning and campus solutions.


Apple Financial Services

Our Apple Education Finance Program can help you build an affordable financing plan that supports your academic, research and campus experience goals. Discover how to bring Apple products into your institution in a way that’s simple and cost effective.

Learn more

“Apple’s finance and leasing program helped us discover and create a custom, flexible road map that provides our entire community with the latest Apple technology. It’s given us a pathway to follow and afford for many years to come.”
Chris Boniforti, Chief Strategy and Technology Officer, Lynn University

Technical planning
and services

Apple Professional Services

Apple Professional Services helps institutions plan, integrate and deploy Apple technology through a comprehensive array of offerings. These include technical services, project management, deployment and full-time personnel dedicated to a project.

Learn more

AppleCare Products

From technical support to Apple hardware service and software support, AppleCare products provide one-stop assistance from Apple experts for your faculty members, staff and students — anywhere, at any time.

AppleCare benefits are in addition to any rights provided by New Zealand consumer law. For details, click here.

Learn more

“Having AppleCare+ for Schools as part of our Smart Campus digital learning solution has given us the confidence that our students are securely supported, whenever their needs arise.”
Heath Price, Associate CIO, Information Technology Services, University of Kentucky

Leadership and coaching

Apple Professional Learning

Our specialists provide leadership, professional learning and planning support that matches an institution’s learning goals with hands-on instructional coaching and mentoring.

Learn more

“Apple’s professional learning specialists helped our faculty to adopt the core principles of student-centred learning and engagement — which is critical to our initiative. By embedding a specialist within our team, we significantly accelerated that process.”
Dr Scott Bevins, Associate Provost for Information Services and CIO,
The University of Virginia’s College at Wise

Get started today.

Our team of dedicated experts will help you identify how Apple products can support your higher education institution’s goals.

Contact Apple Education on 0800-692-7753

Shop for your institution.

Visit an Apple Authorised Education Reseller to speak with a specialist about purchasing and deploying devices for your institution.

Find an Apple Authorised Education Reseller

Shop for yourself.

Get special pricing for educators, staff, university students and parents buying for university students.

Save on Mac and iPad

Hello. Let’s build a custom plan around your institution.

To begin, please answer a few short questions, and then an Apple Education team member will give you a call to discuss the products, software, and services that are right for you.

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