United States of America

Apple is committed to being transparent about government requests for customer data and how we respond. We publish a Transparency Report twice a year disclosing the number of government requests for customer data Apple receives globally.

Government and private entities are required to follow applicable laws and statutes when requesting customer information and data from Apple. 

View Apple’s Transparency Report for other countries or regions

Transparency Report

Transparency Report

Date Range
U.S. National Security Requests by Period
2023 H1
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
40,500 - 40,999
2023 H1
FISA Content
500 - 999
50,500 - 50,999
2023 H1
0 - 499
1,000 - 1,499
2022 H2
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
36,000 - 36,499
2022 H2
FISA Content
0 - 499
34,500 - 34,999
2022 H2
2 - 499
503 - 999
2022 H1
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
38,000 - 38,499
2022 H1
FISA Content
0 - 499
33,500 - 33,999
2022 H1
2 - 499
503 - 999
2021 H2
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
25,000 - 25,499
2021 H2
FISA Content
0 - 499
32,000 - 32,499
2021 H2
4 - 499
510 - 999
2021 H1
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
26,000 - 26,499
2021 H1
FISA Content
0 - 499
32,500 - 32,999
2021 H1
5 - 499
1,005 - 1,499
2020 H2
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
19,500 - 19,999
2020 H2
FISA Content
0 - 499
24,000 - 24,499
2020 H2
5 - 499
504 - 999
2020 H1
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
11,000 - 11,499
2020 H1
FISA Content
0 - 499
20,500 - 20,999
2020 H1
2 - 499
2 - 499
2019 H2
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
15,500 - 15,999
2019 H2
FISA Content
0 - 499
17,500 - 17,999
2019 H2
6 - 499
1,511 - 1,999
2019 H1
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
11,000 - 11,499
2019 H1
FISA Content
0 - 499
18,000 - 18,499
2019 H1
8 - 499
2,512 - 2,999
2018 H2
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
9,000 - 9,499
2018 H2
FISA Content
0 - 499
14,000 - 14,499
2018 H2
6 - 499
1,508 - 1,999
2018 H1
FISA Non-Content
0 - 499
7,500 - 7,999
2018 H1
FISA Content
0 - 499
13,500 - 13,999
2018 H1
3 - 499
1,005 - 1,499
2017 H2
National Security
16,005 - 16,249
8,009 - 8,249
2017 H1
National Security
13,255 - 13,499
9,005 - 9,249
2016 H2
National Security
5,750 - 5,999
4,750 - 4,999
2016 H1
National Security
2,751 - 2,999
2,001 - 2,249
2015 H2
National Security
1,251 - 1,499
1,000 - 1,249
2015 H1
National Security
751 - 999
250 - 499
2014 H2
National Security
250 - 499
0 - 249
2014 H1
National Security
0 - 249
0 - 249
2013 H2
National Security
0 - 249
0 - 249
2013 H1
National Security
0 - 249
0 - 249

U.S. Government Requests for Customer Data by Year